SolMinter Dashboard: Sneak Peek & Walkthrough

5 min readJul 6, 2021

Since day 1 the common goal at SolMinter has been to build an easy-to-use, swift and purposeful dashboard for token minters and project founders. Without further ado, we are thrilled to showcase what’s upcoming in the next couple of weeks!

This article runs through the main functionalities of the SolMinter web application, as per v1 release.

The dashboard

The dashboard is composed of global $SMTR statistics, including marketcap, price and indicators on how SolMinter is evolving economically speaking.

Simply connect your Solana web3 wallet to by clicking on the big purple top left button and you’re ready to roll. We recommend using the Sollet wallet, here’s a guide on how to set it up.

SolMinter Dashboard once web3 wallet is connected.
SolMinter dashboard once Solana web3 wallet is connected.

To the left of the dashboard, a menu to access the entire platform options in a simple click :

  • Token management
  • Apply for IDO (covered in future article)
  • ERC Bridge (covered in future article)
  • NFTs (covered in future article)
  • Trade (covered in future article)
  • List SPL token (covered in future article)
  • Lending (covered in future article)

In this article we will be walking through each section in detail. Please note that this article is subject to updates as the platform grows.

SPL Token management

Here’s where most of the action will take place. SolMinter has built a fully functioning SPL token management platform where users can :

  • Create an SPL token
  • Customise the SPL token
  • Lock SPL tokens
  • Distribute SPL tokens
  • Burn SPL tokens
  • Withdraw SPL tokens

In brief, a complete suite of functions to properly manage your SPL token.

SolMinter token management dashboard.

Let’s now dive into SPL token creation.

Create an SPL Token with SolMinter

Start by choosing a token template. Founders will be able to pick from several SPL token templates, all of which will be audited by 3rd parties.

“My hope is to see a world where the capabilities of cryptocurrency and blockchain are not limited by anything besides the human imagination.”

— Adam Izzy, Co-Founder & CEO @ SolMinter

The current choice of templates are :

  • Standard — A standard SPL token, fit for governance ecosystems.
  • Frictionless Yield Token — Frictionless Yield Tokens works by applying a % fee to each transaction and instantly splitting that fee among all holders of the token.
  • Reflect, LP Acquisition & Burn — A combination of Reflection token economics plus combining auto-liquidity generating protocol and burn to the token economics.
SolMinter SPL token templates
SolMinter SPL token templates.

SolMinter is open to token template proposals, drop us an email if you have an interesting model in the works.

Once your template chosen, it’s time to create.

Creating a SPL token with SolMinter is easy as 1,2,3. Start with the basic requirements : Mint authority, freeze authority and number of decimals.

Start with the basics when creating your SPL token.

Along each step of the way, SolMinter provides information on what is what and guiding you through the the entire process.

SPL token created : What next ?

Now that your SPL token is created, before proceeding you will need to save the token address and account address. The account address is automatically generated and allows you to identify yourself when wanting to manage your SPL token.

Save your token address & account address.

🚨 Reminder : Don’t forget to save the 2 addresses somewhere safe.

Better safe than sorry, as there is a cost to mint SPL tokens.

A reminder never hurt.

Minting & customising time!

Now that your SPL token is created, let’s get down to business. Click on ‘proceed to token customisation’, or go through the dashboard.

Enter your account address

As you’ve saved your account address, paste it into the field and click Customize.

You’ll need your account address for most functionalities, keep it safe.

Customising your SPL token

Enter the main details of your new SPL token. Hover the info boxes for guidance.

Customising your SPL token with SolMinter.

Customisation done!

Your SPL token is now fit to your needs. Check it out on the Solana Blockchain Explorer.

Cop the token address to double check your SPL token on the Solana Blockchain Explorer.

Locking a portion of your SPL token

Within the context of splitting up portions of your token supply, you may need to set unlock dates. This is perfectly doable with the SolMinter dashboard.

Use the SolMinter Lock interface to automatically lock and unlock (distribute) your SPL tokens at a certain date. This is often used for team, development and marketing tokens. The Lock interface can also be used for token vesting schedules.

Enter the token, account and destination address and set dates to unlock.

You can select the amount and date of unlock. If you wish to have several vesting schedules destined to the same wallet address, simply add more amounts & dates.

Once clicking on confirm, you will need to approve the transaction through your web3 wallet. A window should popup.

Bulk distributing SPL tokens

Use the SolMinter Distribute interface to bulk distribute your token to several addresses. This function is commonly used for seed and private round contributors.

Enter your token address, decimals, addresses and amounts.

For the “addresses and amounts to distribute to” field, enter line by line in the following format :


Confirm the bulk distribution

Simply double-check and confirm that all the information is correct. Click confirm to approve the transactions on-chain. You will need SOL in your wallet.

All sent!

You have successfully distributed your token.

This article is a working document, updates to come :

  • Burn SPL token walkthrough
  • Withdraw SPL token walkthrough

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Written by Solminter

The foundation of the SPL ecosystem -

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