The Solminter team are pleased to announce the possibility to now mint Solana NFTs through the dashboard!
Before we go into the details, we’d like to mention that Solminter is STILL FREE to use until the 30th of September 2021. Following that date, a spend will need to be approved in SOL which will then automatically market-buy and burn $SMRT. Fee details for each functionality will be announced closer to the date.
Looking to mint your Solana NFT ?
Here’s a step by step tutorial on how to mint your Solana NFT token through the Solminter dashboard.
Start by opening the dashboard at and connect your web3 wallet. Solminter now integrates will all Solana web3 wallets, as of the 14th of September 2021.
Once your wallet is connect, proceed to “NFT” on the left menu, and click on “Create New NFT +”. If you have already created NFTs through Solminter, they will show here.
Here, add a name and logo to your NFT, and click “Create token”
Go back to your dashboard, and you’ll find your freshly created NFT.
Solminter currently supports the official Solana foundation NFT scope, where : 1 NFT = 1 Token.
We were already working on the NFT management dashboard, before the recent Metaplex standard approach was released. We will be working on this standard in the coming weeks.